Its been a long time since my last post and many things have happened in this time.
Christmas came and went in the blink of an eye and the New Year was literally a washout.
Like many people in the UK last year ,the moorland valley where I am based experienced a disaster on a grand scale on Boxing Day -the 26th of December.It rained and rained ,water flowed down the steep sided valley hills ,the river became more and more swollen ,the canal filled until finally the only place for the water to go was onto the roads and into homes and businesses.We had mountain rescue trying to assist our most vunerable people and even a coast guard helicopter team was involved in this inland rescue operation.

When the water recedded it left behind a scene of devasation that shocked the inhabitants of this lovely valley despite floods being relatively common here.Nothing that had happened before had prepared us for this.The landscape was different- bare and bleaker.Moving through the valley towns all one could see were peoples belongings on the streets ,now contaminated with sewage laden water.Businesses were closed and roads damaged.River walls were broken and trees were down.People were without power and for a period of time -cut off.
Then the clean up process began.Homes and businesses had to empty properties of their belongings and possessions onto the streets.
Donations and voluteers began to pour into the area in many forms - physical help ,food ,cleaning equipment,drying equipment,lifts,use of phones/electricty and even offers of a warm dry bed.We had people come from far and wide -individuals ,families ,charitable organisations ,religious groups ,bikers ...the list goes on.Communities helped each other.And continue to help each other.
Two weeks after the floods and recovery continues.Many homes are receiving help with building and electrical work and some businesses have managed to re open though mainly in a 'popup' fashion.It will be many months before homes can be made safely habitable again ,road works are completed ,schools opened to pupils and business returns to 'normal'.There are plans afoot to have a celebration in June of this goes on.We are in Yorkshire and Yorkshire folk are known for their refusal to be knocked down ...they get back up again.Always.
None of the photos used above are mine and taken from yahoo but published by local people whom I have been unable to credit.