Sunday 28 February 2016

7 reasons to learn English

English is a popular language to learn and around the world it is included in the normal classroom timetable of subjects taken.Why is it so popular and why is it an important second language to have?

1-English is the most popular language to learn -more than 20% of the worlds population either speak or understand some English.
2-English is the established language of science ,technology,tourism and much more.Learning English could help improve your job prospects ...
3-English is actually the official language of 53 countries!
4-It is the first language of over 400 million people worldwide-speak English and there are a lot of people to communicate with.
5-English is based on a simple alphabet and is a lot easier to learn than many other languages.
6-By learning English you are not just studying a language.Its impossible to learn the language without getting an insight into the culture of the UK.
7-If you learn English then you can READ all the fantastic English language novels ,plays and poetry in the language they were written in-translation often misses the fine points of such works.

why are you learning English?

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