Monday 3 March 2014

Monday.....not everyone's favourite day of the week?

Today dawned surprisingly bright,cold and sunny.A nice change.
The weekend is over and the new working week has begun.
I had a fun weekend...Saturday was spent looking at my garden and coming to the conclusion that the sheer volume of mud it contains at the moment meant any attempts at getting my vegetable beds ready for growing was pointless.So instead I simply put seeds in pots....soon the window sills of my house will be full of seedlings.

Sunday was wet and cold and windy(more weather talk!) and late afternoon we went to dinner at a friends house.It was fun ,lots of chat,good food and sadly a little too much red wine.I say sadly, as this morning I felt some what 'worse for wear'..'under the weather'....a 'bit rough'....or simply put-hungover

Tomorrow is what we in the UK call Pancake Day and marks the day before Ash Wednesday, which in itself marks the beginning of lent.Lent is a six week period of fasting before Easter.So I expect my house to stink(I don't like the smell of pancakes) or smell of(aroma for those who like it) pancake and sugar.
Its interesting to note how we eat pancakes here-generally with sweet stuff such as ice cream,sugar,honey and sometimes a little lemon for balance...

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