Friday 21 February 2014


Its the end of the working week for many people today and depending on your time zone you are already into your weekend or anticipating it...

Most of the time I don't work at the weekend and so I look forward to those two clear days off.I tend to actually spend my time 'off' cleaning the house,baking and cooking and generally catching up on all the jobs I didn't have time to do during the week.I also occasionally socialise-usually go to a friends house and share some food and chat (maybe drink a little rum from time to time).I try to save Sunday afternoon for relaxing,maybe reading a book or doing things in my garden.

In the UK people use their weekends in a variety of ways.A lot of people like to play or watch sport.Some of the younger generation are keen on pubs,bars and clubs.Other people enjoy visiting the cinema or theatre.On top of these things the weekend is also a time to pursue hobbies,visit certain clubs for activities such as Art/sewing/knitting/languages and so on...but a lot of people just like to relax with family.We live busy lives,trying to make ends meet and meeting the needs of those who we hold dear.

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