Monday 24 February 2014 continue the conversation....

So in 'conversation ' English lessons we speak.Or rather the student speaks and I prompt him/her through questions.I normally have a format to these types of lessons.
Usually we start with a 'warm up' activity ,maybe an anagram of the conversation topic.I would normally provide a student with a list of between 10-15 words and check that he/she has a good understanding of the language we will be aiming to use.The lessons then involve a dialogue with the onus being on the student to do the speaking.I take note of errors and we look at them at intervals in the lesson.Sometimes I use appropriate quotes or idioms in the conversation.Most non native speakers really enjoy 'getting to grips with' idiomatic speech.

For the more advanced students I run my lessons a little differently.I would normally send a link to a talk/pod cast or piece of academic style writing in advance of our lesson.The student knows that this will be our topic.I expect the student to be able to express an opinion on the chosen subject and also be able to ask questions.Most advanced students will also write their opinion about the topic and we will spend some time looking at their writing skills-where the strengths and weaknesses are.
Conversation lessons can be hard work for me as a teacher.Keeping track of what we have already discussed means I need to be fairly organised and a good record keeper.Some students are very definite about what they will and won't speak about.Some students struggle to get past a simple 'yes' or 'no' response to questions and it takes skill and patience to draw them out so that they can expend their speaking.
On the whole I enjoy conversation lessons.They are no easier to do than an exam preparation  lesson -just different.

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