Thursday 20 February 2014


I like Thursdays.Mainly because the next day is a Friday .......
This morning, in the part of the UK in which I live,its windy,dark,cold and wet.Nothing unusual really for this time of year but a little depressing none the less.In Russia,where most of my students live, the weather is not great also.Unusually for Russia at this time of year,its not what Russians would consider cold .Its wet and dark and most of my students don't like it.They would much prefer it was minus 10 or colder and snowing.This is what February is normally like for them....
Here are some quotes about Thursdays.

"And God said, 'Let there be light' and there was light, but the Electricity Board said He would have to wait until Thursday to be connected" Spike Milligan 

I work Mondays to Fridays but a number of my students continue to work until Saturday afternoon (both school children and paid workers).Also ,a number of students then spend Saturday afternoons and Sundays studying.English ,of course,is a popular choice for study at weekends as are dance,art,music and other cultural pursuits.
Here in the UK, we generally use our weekends to do as little as possible(unless a person is 'into' sports ,in which case they spend the weekend playing or watching sport)and just use the time to relax.My weekends usually consist of a later than usual 'getting up' time,cleaning the house and doing other household tasks,baking ,walking the dogs ,occasional socialising and then finally throwing myself on the sofa with a good book-usually late on a do you spend your weekend?

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